Sharon Harper

Strategic Communications Manager

Sharon Harper


Sharon Harper joined the Grossman School of Business as a strategic communications manager in 2023. She leads communications and marketing activities for the Grossman School of Business and the Dean’s Office, working to align the brand through content development and messaging through the website, social media, email, and public relations.

Sharon brings 20 years of marketing and PR experience, both in-house and within agencies, serving higher education, travel and tourism, healthcare, professional services, technology, non-profits, and consumer products. She earned a degree in business administration with a concentration in marketing and a minor in Spanish from American University. On the side she is a ski instructor, and enjoys competitive ultimate frisbee and all-things outdoors in Vermont.


Sharon Harper joined the Grossman School of Business as a strategic communications manager in 2023. She leads communications and marketing activities for the Grossman School of Business and the Dean’s Office, working to align the brand through content development and messaging through the website, social media, email, and public relations.

Sharon brings 20 years of marketing and PR experience, both in-house and within agencies, serving higher education, travel and tourism, healthcare, professional services, technology, non-profits, and consumer products. She earned a degree in business administration with a concentration in marketing and a minor in Spanish from American University. On the side she is a ski instructor, and enjoys competitive ultimate frisbee and all-things outdoors in Vermont.