Michelle Lockhart

Land Use & Water Quality Educator

Michelle Lockhart headshot
Alma mater(s)
  • B.S. in Landscape Architecture, Purdue University
Affiliated Department(s)
  • Lake Champlain Sea Grant


Michelle coordinates Lake Champlain Sea Grant's BLUE program, which provides Burlington residents with free stormwater assessments. With specialties in planting and green infrastructure design, Michelle is excited to work with homeowners to implement stormwater management practices such as rain gardens, vegetative swales, and permeable pavers that capture stormwater run-off and benefit the overall health and water quality of Lake Champlain.

Michelle first came to Vermont in 2017 for an internship at Wagner Hodgson Landscape Architecture where she was involved with local projects such as City Hall Park redesign. She has worked for a variety of conservation agencies including Montana’s Department of Natural Resources, the Fish & Wildlife Service, and Foster Creek Conservation District in Washington. Michelle holds a Permaculture Design Certificate from Oregon State and strongly believes in the ability of the public (producers, homeowners, and local communities) to sustain greater landscapes and resources through sustainable development, conservation, agriculture, and design.

Area(s) of expertise

Stormwater infrastructure design and coordination, planting design, graphic design, education and outreach


Michelle coordinates Lake Champlain Sea Grant's BLUE program, which provides Burlington residents with free stormwater assessments. With specialties in planting and green infrastructure design, Michelle is excited to work with homeowners to implement stormwater management practices such as rain gardens, vegetative swales, and permeable pavers that capture stormwater run-off and benefit the overall health and water quality of Lake Champlain.

Michelle first came to Vermont in 2017 for an internship at Wagner Hodgson Landscape Architecture where she was involved with local projects such as City Hall Park redesign. She has worked for a variety of conservation agencies including Montana’s Department of Natural Resources, the Fish & Wildlife Service, and Foster Creek Conservation District in Washington. Michelle holds a Permaculture Design Certificate from Oregon State and strongly believes in the ability of the public (producers, homeowners, and local communities) to sustain greater landscapes and resources through sustainable development, conservation, agriculture, and design.

Areas of Expertise

Stormwater infrastructure design and coordination, planting design, graphic design, education and outreach