Grant Burton

Master's Student in Natural Resources


I graduated in May of 2020 with a B.S. in Forestry and a B.A. in Psychology from Michigan State University. My research interests are mainly in how emerging AI and geospatial technologies can assist and expedite climate change research and management activities in forests, as well as the shortcomings of using such technologies.

Area(s) of expertise

Forestry, artificial intelligence, climate science, deep learning, geospatial research

Concentration: Forest and Wildlife Sciences


I graduated in May of 2020 with a B.S. in Forestry and a B.A. in Psychology from Michigan State University. My research interests are mainly in how emerging AI and geospatial technologies can assist and expedite climate change research and management activities in forests, as well as the shortcomings of using such technologies.

Areas of Expertise

Forestry, artificial intelligence, climate science, deep learning, geospatial research

Concentration: Forest and Wildlife Sciences


Advisor: Anthony D'Amato