Catherine "Cat" Collins

Master's Student in Natural Resources

Catherine Collins
Alma mater(s)
  • B.S. Earth and Space Exploration (Geological Sciences), Arizona State University 2021


I am a geoscience student interested in cold region climate research and the utilization of machine learning in the geosciences. I have conducted research using AI software to collect climate data in the Namib Desert and have worked in the Center for Climate Security at Sandia National Labs as an undergrad. For graduate school, I will continue with my interest in the intersection of climate science and computer science at UVM, this time focusing on the Greenland Ice sheet.

Prospective graduate students interested in learning more about research and experiences in the Rubenstein School may contact me.

Area(s) of expertise

Geology, climate science, cryosphere, sedimentology, machine learning



I am a geoscience student interested in cold region climate research and the utilization of machine learning in the geosciences. I have conducted research using AI software to collect climate data in the Namib Desert and have worked in the Center for Climate Security at Sandia National Labs as an undergrad. For graduate school, I will continue with my interest in the intersection of climate science and computer science at UVM, this time focusing on the Greenland Ice sheet.

Prospective graduate students interested in learning more about research and experiences in the Rubenstein School may contact me.

Areas of Expertise

Geology, climate science, cryosphere, sedimentology, machine learning



Advisors: Paul Bierman and Andrew Christ