Communications | Institute for Agroecology | The University of Vermont(title)

Amplifying Agroecology


The Institute will amplify transformative agroecology in local, national and international forums through a creative knowledge mobilization strategy. While interest in agroecology is on the rise globally, and a growing body of case studies, research, evidence and innovations are being generated, there is a great need to consolidate and amplify this agroecological knowledge base. This is especially true for the transformative dimensions and voices of agroecology that can become overshadowed as mainstream institutions begin to adopt and engage with agroecology.

Working collaboratively with our networks in civil society and allied research institutions, the Institute will deploy a program of creative communication, storytelling and knowledge mobilization to amplify agroecology in local, national and international fora. This will include the use of video, animation, podcasts, and more to disseminate powerful narratives,across multiple media the energize processes of food systems transformation.