Tuition and Financial Support | Transdisciplinary Leadership and Creativity for Sustainability | The University of Vermont(title)

The TLCS program holds financial accessibility as a top priority and is committed to creatively addressing and supporting student participation.

Tuition and Fees

For a detailed description of tuition and fees for graduate students, visit UVM Student Financial Services. Ph.D. students in the TLCS program have secured funding to offset tuition costs in a variety of ways.

Funding Your Graduate Education

TLCS Scholarship Opportunities


The Rubenstein School makes every effort to work with students to make their graduate education financially affordable. All admissions decisions are made without regard to financial need or ability to pay. Merit-based and need-based financial support are available through a variety of sources, as well as a Multicultural Scholarship supporting diversity and inclusion. Financial support in the form of professional development and/or tuition remission funds may also be available through your employer and/or organizational partner. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, please please fill out the Scholarship Application form, or reach out to Drusilla Roessle.

Deadlines for Scholarships: We encourage you to apply for the scholarships at the same time you apply to the program. We are currently accepting applications on a rolling basis for Fall 2024, with recommended submission by June 15, 2024.

External Scholarship Opportunities


Our students have also received many external scholarship/fellowships including the Ashoka Fellowship, Robert Fullwood Johnson Foundation Fellowship, Switzer Fellowship, and more. View a compiled list of relevant external scholarships/fellowships. The UVM Graduate College also provides external funding information and resources for prospective students. 

Direct Project Funding & Grants


Some Ph.D. students have applied for grants, private gifts, and even crowd-sourced support to fund their Ph.D. work (which also benefits their organization/community). Some of this funding has supported travel and direct costs of research, while other funding has supported students’ time and even tuition costs. In some cases, students have used their Ph.D. work to do significant fundraising for their own home community/organization.

Organizational Support


Many Ph.D. students receive financial support from their home organization that can include tuition remission and other direct costs. Many organizations recognize that this program will directly benefit the organization. Some students have also designed projects that have led to partnerships with organizations who are willing to fund students for the completion of their Ph.D.

Work Support/Income


Unlike residential programs that are intended for full-time students who must give up their professional employment, this Ph.D. program is designed as an online program that can be completed while students work full-time. Some Ph.D. students can contribute to their tuition costs through income or professional development funds from their professional employment.